
What to Expect at Worship

The community at St. Stephen’s gathers on Sunday mornings for two services at 8:00am and 10:30am. Parking is in front of the church or in the back alleyway behind the church.

The 8:00am Service is held in the chapel. Enter directly through the single chapel door to the left of the central double-door church entrance. This said service of Holy Communion is taken from the Book of Common Prayer and includes traditional language, as well as contemporary collects and prayers. This program year, on 3rd Sundays we are exploring other liturgies from around the Anglican Communion. A bulletin and the prayer book guide you through the contemplative service. After worship, you are invited to gather in the Canterbury Room for tea, coffee and conversation.

Beginning this fall, we have invited congregation members and our Beltline neighbours to gather in the Narthex (entryway) at 10am for the “Tolling of the Bell for Peace.” We toll this bell as an expression of hope for an end to genocide, colonialism, occupation, apartheid, racism, classism, and all forms of violence around the world. We also pray for our own community – that we have the courage and take the time to join the collective efforts of creating a better world for everyone, especially the oppressed and marginalized. 

The 10:30am Service is held in the sanctuary (the main church space). You may enter through the central green church doors. The accessible entrance is through the middle set of brown wooden doors in the administrative link building. Upon entering you will be greeted, provided a bulletin and invited to create your name tag. Some Sundays we gather in the round, while other Sundays we seat facing forward and eastward. The 10:30am service includes music and singing, as well as inclusive and expansive language in the liturgical texts and readings. A children’s formation offering is typically integrated into the service. Throughout the service, children are welcome to draw at the art and creative table in the back of the church. During the program year, nursery care is available for children ages 0-4 in the Canterbury Room. Children of all ages are encouraged to fully participate in the service – joyful noises from our children are embraced. Following church, the congregation gathers for fellowship in the sanctuary where coffee/tea and small bites are usually served.

In addition to Bible readings from the lectionary, a sermon and prayers, both services at St. Stephen’s include Communion, also known as Eucharist. All are invited to receive the bread and wine (if desired). Gluten free communion wafers may be requested from the clergy in the communion line.

Newcomers and established members alike are encouraged to participate in worship through service as a greeter, reader, litanist (prayer writer and deliverer), choir member, chancel guild member, tech team member and/or coffee hour host. You may speak to the clergy or a participating member of these ministries to express your interest.