Company of Men

The Company of Men is a drop-in group of men supporting each other through friendship, storytelling and mutual encouragement. The group meets on the second Saturday via Zoom every month from 8:30 to 10am.

The group shares what they are working on by telling their stories. Our model for the group is the Jubilee Circle, a form of appreciative inquiry and discussion. We always start our share with this question, “what are you working on?” We share without judgment and outline our story without giving all the details. Once a story is shared, the group members offer their own life’s reflection based on what has been evoked by the story they have just heard. The only guideline we follow is that there will be no giving of advice. In this manner, each participant continues their own work while supporting the other group members.

If this sounds like something that would be of interest to you, we would be most happy to have you join us in the Company of Men. All are welcome.

Please email our Administrator ([email protected]) to receive the Zoom link to meetings.