St. Stephen’s is a caring and progressive Anglican community in the Beltline of Calgary with a heart for social justice.
Open Minds. Open Hearts. Open Doors.
Whoever you are wherever you find yourself on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here.
Worship Times
8:00 AM
Liturgy from the Book of Common Prayer (traditional language) with Communion.
Some Sundays we explore together a liturgy from within the Anglican Communion.
Enter through the single chapel door to the left of the main church doors
10:30 AM
Community Eucharist with Music, Inclusive Language and a Children’s Formation Offering.
Enter through the main double doors of the church or via the ramp of the administrative link building
We Toll the Bell for Peace in Gaza every Sunday after the 10:30am service. We are engaged in this spiritual discipline until there is a lasting ceasefire and all hostages and prisioners are released. All in the Beltline and Parish community are invited to join in this act of solidarity and compassion.
Free parking is available on 14th Avenue in front of the church,
or in the back alleyway.